I documented trying one of Amazon's black pore masks to provide everyone honest results since these have become uber popular. Does it work? Or at least, does it work better than a pore strip? Does it hurt like ripping off your face? Welcome to my Charcoal Peel-Off Face Mask review. From my Amazon Wish List, I was gifted the Black Mask Charcoal Peel Off Mask - Blackhead Remover Purifying Deep Cleansing Facial Black Mask, Deep Pore Cleanse for Acne, Oil Control, by Essy under the vendor AsaVea. I never get much acne, but I always have black heads on my nose and skin particles under my chin. (Ew!) The pores of my nose are tiny, so pore strips only rip out about 20% of the gunk. I want to finally find a solution that clears out my nose, so I can use products to shrink my pores. For the area under my chin, anything adhesive will work to rip off the dead skin.
First Try
Second try
I tried it on my nose immediately after my first attempt because I knew that I should apply a thicker coat to make the peel-off process easier. I felt like my blackheads may have been closer to my skin's surface by now. But then I noticed the mask took longer than 20 minutes to dry. When I pulled it off, some parts of the bottom layer were still wet. It took a long time to scrub off the residue because of the sticky formula. A portion of the mask that I could peel off stuck under my nails. Not fun. I could see the indents of pores on the mask when I peeled it off, but I discovered zero blackheads. Then, somebody noticed I had blackheads on my nose that night. Did the mask expand my pores? Or bring the gunk to the surface? Or did the black charcoal component of the mask dye and darken my blackheads? I became discouraged. Third TryWow, I just do not give up. I decided to wait a week for my nose to calm down. My pores and blackheads became less noticeable. Maybe that means the dirt sunk back down? I applied the mask immediately after a hot shower; but alas, the same results. Charcoal Peel-Off Face Mask Review
Do not bother buying this product for blackheads. Perhaps a similar peel-off mask has a better formula, so take time to read the reviews that include pictures. I guess that I will return to my Bioré pore strips when it comes to tackling my nose issues. However, I will continue to use this product to remove the dead skin on my face (like below my bottom lip) because this mask is less painful than any nose strip and allows me to manually apply it. Do you know a product that works better, or do you want me to try something else? Please let me know in the comments!
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